Hi, I'm Aryanna!

A 14 year-old neurotechnology enthusiast, keen on learning more about the brain and the insane work in does.

I really love learning about global issues and leveraging breakthrough technologies to solve them. I'm passionate about the healthcare, medicare, and medicine-technology industries. I’m currently working on incorporating Brain Computer Interfaces into medicine, treating common disorders like ADHD.

What I'm doing:

  • Innovating @ The Knowledge Society
  • Incorporating BCIs into the medicare industry

My BCI Content:

My Brain Waves Can Prevent Bruxism

A breakdown of how your computer can detect, through BCIs, when you grind your teeth.

This Dino Can Jump Without A Space Bar?

Playing the Dino Game with My Mind!

My Recommendation Decks:

Walmart BlueLabs Recommendation Deck

Using simple and scalable digital touchpoints in order to improve the in-store Walmart digital customer experience.

Switch Health Consultation Deck

Creating a new product that uses biomarkers at home to diagnose and help manage patient conditions with the goal of dramatically reducing healthcare costs

My Bi-Monthly Updates:

November's Inspection

2022, Turning 14 and Grinding

Aryanna Gangani


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